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Memorial Day Surprise!

Writer's picture: Jaimie, Owner of GWJaimie, Owner of GW

Updated: Jun 18, 2023

The weekend started out like any other, way too hot and way too many things to get done. We were all feeling the added stress from the heat but struggling through together. We tried everything to keep the house cooled, like keeping the shades drawn, the fans on full blast and BBQing burgers to avoid heating the kitchen any further with the oven.

Early on in the weekend Moxxi began to show signs that she was a little more bothered than everyone else. At first, I figured it was just the downside of late in the pregnancy in an early Summer heatwave, but the longer I watched her the more I realized that was probably not the case. The poor girl was so miserable and was not okay unless I was by her side. She would follow me around when I could tell all she wanted to do was rest, but even laying down wouldn't last long before she was sitting up again from discomfort in her belly. I did my best to make sure she not only felt heard in her discomfort but comforted as much as possible by sitting together and rubbing her belly for her while she slept.

During one of her naps, she allowed me to stray from her side for a bit and Ryan & I were able to get her kennel ready for labor. Making sure all the things we would need were ready to go and within reach. I definitely felt a bit lighter knowing we were ready just in case, because the more I watched her the more I knew. "These babies are coming babe, This weekend. I'm confident."

We took all the pups in Saturday afternoon to see their favorite groomer, Taylor to make sure their nails were all caught up. " I'm 90% positive it is happening any day now. She's showing all her normal signs." Not only did she agree with but had her own thought... "Wouldn't it be fantastic if she had them on Memorial Day? I think that's what it's going to be." We had a good giggle, but as I left and thought about it more that possibility seemed highly probable. "Babe," I said to Ryan as we started the drive home, "If she does go in to labor this weekend like I think she will, or even on Memorial Day, we won't be able to take her in to the vet like Dr. Busina recommended! Everyone will be closed!" So as soon as we got home, I started making calls. I called all of the nearest ER vets to make sure we would be able to bring Moxxi in if needed. Profiles were set up and we were assured it shouldn't be a problem.

I felt a bit better about things progressing at that point and made Moxxi my top priority. Thankfully everyone in the house felt the same way and understood us canceling a few plans that we had to just stay home with her for the next few days. (None of us wanted a repeat of the panicked drive we had last season!) More and more the next day Moxxi began to hunker down and started showing signs of pre-labor, choosing to lay in her kennel space instead of on the couch, though she was fully intent on my joining her IN her kennel at all times. The kids and I took turns spending time with her in her safe space, and that seemed to calm her anxieties. Even the boy pups would check in from time to time, knowing to respect her space and always staying right outside the door.

By the end of Sunday Ryan and I were both shocked that the babies had not come yet, and I didn't quite feel comfortable leaving her all alone to sleep since that hadn't been at all what she had wanted during the day. So instead, I got a blanket and a pillow & hunkered down for a slumber party with my gurlie... just in case. It was very obvious she was way more comfortable with me staying with her, and we snuggled all night. When that Memorial Day sunrise came around and there were still no puppies, I was flabbergasted.

She had refused to drink or eat anything in almost 24 hours and her temperature had dropped below the 99 the day before! How long was my poor gurl going to have to suffer! She would whine and groan, grumble and moan. barely walking to go potty. Everything was hurting and all she wanted to do was sleep. Around 8pm was late dinner time for us and I was making hotdogs for everyone when I got an idea. I rarely offer human food to my pups, but she hadn't eaten anything, and I was starting to worry... and I KNEW she would never say no to a hotdog. So, I walked up to her kennel very casually and just asked, "Would you like a hotdog?" She jumped up so quick I couldn't keep myself from laughing! I decided it was worth it for this one time and slowly fed her the hot dog piece by tiny piece. By the time she was done she was SO happy! She still wouldn't drink water, so I offered her an ice cube and you would think I had given her another hotdog! She was so excited! So, I spent the next few minutes hand feeding her crushed ice. It was the most comfortable I had seen her in days, and she immediately recruited Aaliyah and retreated to her safe place to take a nap.

I used that time to unwind on the couch with Ryan and watch a show, but about an hour later I noticed she had gotten up, and was sitting at the front of her kennel, panting heavy and trying to get my attention. "Well hello Potato Princess! You feel better?" Almost instantly I felt her answer to that question as I noticed the rigidity in her stomach, and her tail sticking straight out. I quickly rushed over to her, "Why are you holding your tail like that babe?" She instantly took me to the very back of her kennel and then began panting even heavier and pacing.... "Oh, OH! Babe! BABE! I'm pretty sure it's happening! It was the HOTDOG babe!! That was what she needed!!"

Her first water broke about 20ish minutes later... around 10:30pm that evening. She labored long and hard and in the final moments of Memorial Day, at 11:54pm a beautiful little fawn female with a small white dot on her chest burst her way into the world! Weighing in at 6.3 oz and our tiniest of this season she is now affectionately referred to as Dandelion.

Almost exactly an hour later, what we call her twin brother made his appearance. A quiet fawn 6.4oz male with a long white stripe down the middle of his chest who my oldest quickly named Coconut!

The next hour was touch and go. while I could tell that things were trying to move along, the little pup didn't seem to want to come all the way down the canal. Moxxi became a bit distressed and needed a bit more help with staying calm before things finally started to progress again.

At 2:09am A beautiful 6.6oz black ball of fluff with a large white chest spot landed in my hands. But this little girl did not have it easy. Not only did we have a bit of a rough time getting her out of the sac, but she was also covered in meconium. It was everywhere! When I started my routine of cleaning out her nose, I realized she was soooooo cold! She never made a sound. She barely wiggled. I was worried she might not make it, but we finally got a little bit of vocal effort out and she latched on nicely for a quick feed so we decided to give her a chance to warm up and we would try again. She was named Hexxus by my Ferngully loving 10-year-old (and has been his predominant favorite of the bunch!)

Her "twin" gave us barely any downtime before he showed up almost immediately after at 2:23am weighing 6.7oz. His beautiful brindle coat plays fantastic contrast to the white shape on his chest that earned him the name Phoenix shortly after.

At this point Moxxi was exhausted, and she laid down to take a short power nap. We used this time to recheck all the pups who had already been born and all of our notes, and around an hour later the next pup was here! At 3:13 am a stunning black/brindle female with two white chest spots and the most adorable white toes on her back feet weighed in as our biggest pup this season at 7oz. My husband took an instant liking to her and lovingly began calling her Maya.

Moxxi was begging to be done and trying desperately to leave the labor space, but we knew there was one more left. Thankfully we didn't have to wait long because the little man made his arrival less than 20 minutes later at 3:30am! At 6.6oz, this fawn little bub with the teeniest little white spot on his chest never stopped telling us his opinions about what was going on! The sound was so adorable, but so constant we were severely reminded of the little plant creatures from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets... the Mandragora! (Or Mandrake, as he is named.)

And that was it! we were finally done! Moxxi was tapped out and we could barely think straight. We went through the motions of getting everyone rechecked and warmed up, cleaned the space and making sleeping arrangements, (we don't leave mom and puppies alone for the first 10 days!) 100% in a daze. I did try to call the ER vet to bring her in for an exam since last season there was a pup retained and this season, we knew two placentas had been, but we were promptly turned away and told to just wait to see our primary in the morning. Once everything was done, I grabbed my comforter and pillow and curled up again in the kennel with Moxxi, who was so appreciative she climbed out of the whelping box multiple times throughout the night just to snuggle.

Only a few hours later we woke up bright and early to take Moxxi and all the pups in to see Dr. Busina. Thankfully Moxxi's x-ray came back clear for any more pups, but one of the puppies... Hexxus, was still a cause for concern. Her breathing had become very crackled, and she was still not really calling out much. Dr. checked and said her breathing wasn't very good and sounded almost like pneumonia. So, antibiotics and lots of patience and hope were prescribed. We left feeling pretty confident that things would turn out great, and stopped at the coffee shop where Moxxi was presented with a celebratory "Pup-cup" by our friend who works there and had seen our updates on social media!

All around it was a pretty fantastic weekend, and now we can't wait to start getting to know this season's adorable little grumble!!

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