Welcome back everyone! we are happy to announce, that in pure GrumbleWagon fashion, Miss Moxxi will be blessing us with a litter right in time for the holiday of love!

We have been watching and waiting for the day when we could check and see how many beautiful tator-tots would be gracing our presence this time. Watching while she got more and more rotund.

After our first appointment we were told it was a bit too early but at least 4 pups could be seen and to come back in a week. While we waited things seemed to be moving faster than expected for Miss Moxxi. More and more discomfort making itself apparent as the days trickled by. Today was our one-week later appointment, and do you know what we discovered?

There are at MINIMUM eight pup-tots in this oven! Poor poor Mama Moxxi! The x-ray isn't as clear as normal, since there are so many stuffed in there. Hence the "at minimum"... lol.

( I might have frantically called my besties/support mom's to share the traumatic news. Everyone was literally laughing in pain for poor mama!)

Mind you, this is all happening while we also try to adjust our newest addition, Miss Wampa to the grumble!

My goodness that's one adorable Grumble if I do say so myself!

So now while we count down the days and prepare for the next litter amongst the frigid winter weather, we are also doing everything we can to help Moxxi feel as comfortable as possible,
Because y'all... EIGHT.

8 little Luv-Pups just in time for Valentines Day! Mad Moxxi Rey, the pup-tato-pez dispenser is EXHAUSTED already!

So, keep an eye out for updates here or on our social media. Because while she isn't due till Feb. 1st, there is a chance with this big of a litter it could be WAY sooner!